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11-26-02 // 11.17 am

it's too long to stay gone

NP: Get Up Kids - "On a Wire"

Yeah, I know, it's the iffy "bid for the mainstream" album. And to be honest, I haven't listened to it much at all since I bought it months and months ago. But I'm giving it another go. Chop a handful of the most useless tracks off and it doesn't seem as bad as the last time. I still can't believe they're being produced by Scott Litt now, though. What a weird career path -- R.E.M., Counting Crows, Nirvana, Get Up Kids. If I ever make an LP, it'd be cool to call it "Produced by Scott Litt", even if (especially if) it wasn't.

I also grabbed the first two Weezer albums before I left. Not sure why...though I do have a desire to listen to The World Has Turned and Left Me Here, not to mention The Good Life (and Pink Triangle, Tired of Sex, etc...) It's weird about "Pinkteron", in general. It's this big introspective, proto-emo type album, but I've never really identified with it in a despondent, emotional sort of way. Like today, I'm a great mood, and I want to listen to it because it rocks. I'm probably not explaning myself properly, but anyway.

I'm very intrigued by that Audioslave album that recently came out. Soundgarden rocks, and I always said that I'd have liked Rage Against the Machine if they ditched Zack de la Rocha and the holier-than-thou politics. So anyway, I've been hearing a lot of good things, but I'm reluctant to drop the money on the album. Anyone out there heard it and wish to fill me in?

Erin heard back from the staffing agency that called her last week (the one that found her resume on Monster), and that pending a background check, she got the job they had offered. I think it's only a temporary thing (a month or two), but still. Fills in time looking for something more permanent, in any case. And definitely better than the department store job that she hated.

I'm tired this morning. The alarm went off at 7 o'clock, and I was in a complete daze. You know, to the point where I had no idea what day it was, why the alarm was going off, etc. For a good minute, I laid there wondering if it was a weekend, and if so, why I set the alarm in the first place. I think I accidentally kicked Corona when she ran in front of my feet while I was walking around in the bedroom. Eventually, my brain reoreinted itself and I realized it was Tuesday and I had to get ready to go to work. Damn. At least I only have to get through today and part of tomorrow (I'm totally taking off early tomorrow, after finding this morning out that lots of other people are doing the same).

I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving...part of it is the food, it's easily the best meal of the year. Part of it is the time off, and a big part of it is getting to see my family. I just love having everyone all together at once like that. Granted the California folks won't be here, but since they were in the area this summer for my grandparents' 50th anniversary, it's all good. Looking forward to Thanksgiving with Erin's family, too. Family is good, people need people, you know?

Had a meeting a little while ago, and now I'm making some code changes related to some issues we discussed in said meeting. I dunno, it's days like today that I honestly, genuinely love doing what I'm doing. It's only when I'm either bored stiff or overworked to the point of breakdown that I start loathing coming to the office. I mean, I wouldn't complain if I won the lottery and didn't have to work. But as far as jobs go, this one can be pretty cool now and then. I think a lot of it comes down to who's managing your project, and who you're working with on it. On my current project, I'm lucky that my manager, my tech lead, and the tester are all pretty laid back, cool people. Beats working the project I was on last month and before, with the micro-managing manager from hell, and the impossible deadlines (you know the sort of thing -- we want it done yesterday, and with additional functionality that we never spelled out in the specs). *shudder*

I totally ran out of entry writing steam. I think it's that I'm hungry. But herein lies the's about 10.30 in the morning...too late for breakfast, as lunch is like an hour away. But I still have to wait an hour! Yes, I know this is whiny, but don't blame me. It's the stomach's fault.

OK, can anyone tell me what's going on here? The last couple of days, I haven't felt like coffee. I think I just wore myself out on it. So in its place, I've been drinking Diet Dr. Pepper. I still drink bottles and bottles of water, but sometimes I need that caffeine jolt. Like yesterday afternoon, about 2.30, I hit that time of the day where your body wants to take a siesta. But of course, I'm at work, so it can't. I'm not entirely sure why diet soda, though. Maybe it's because a regular Dr. Pepper always leaves me feeling way full and sloshy. The diet version doesn't seem as heavy, or as carbonated. I'm not sure.

Things that lots of people seem to love that I either can't truly get into or could care less about:

- Nirvana (we've had this discussion before, eh?)

- Stephen King novels (for some reason a lot of the movies really draw me in)

- Jack Kerouac

- philosophy (well, organized philosophy, like classes in college, etc. I'm all about dimestore philosophising over sludgy coffee in late night diners)

I'm sure there's more, but those immediately sprang to mind.

I could write all day, I think, but I'm afraid that I have to keep moving for now.

then / now