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11-28-00 // 12.15 am

the tide is turning (after live aid)

NP: Roger Waters - "Radio KAOS"

First of all, there's a new layout. If you have a moment or two, sign the guestbook or send me an email with comments -- I think it looks good, but then what do I know?

My mom sent me some scary news this evening. My grandfather (her dad) has been diagnosed with hydrocephalus, or water on the brain. In about a week he's going to see a neurosurgeon for more tests and find out what the next steps are, but until then everyone's sort of in limbo. But my mom says he's in high spirits and is going on a little holiday that he and my grandmother had been planning. I've done some research on the condition and it seems as if he'll be alright once he gets treatment, but still, I'm kind of frightened.

So otherwise I haven't been thinking of much else tonight. I caught up on a bit of email & compiled a "restored" version of "Radio KAOS" by inserting the b-sides from that album's singles in with the songs on the original LP -- it fleshes out the story the way Rog originally intended. So that's sort of kept me occupied. Right now, I feel more anxious than anything.

Tomorrow I have to study for that assembly exam...I'm not looking forward to that. No matter how hard I study & no matter how well I think I know the material, I can never muster better than about a C. I can't wait to be done with that class...goodbye mumbly foreign professor, goodbye cryptic register assigmnent statements, see ya later 8am every morning meeting time.

Right now, I really really need a hug.

then / now