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12-2-00 // 8.28 pm

the wrong side of weird

NP: IQ - "The Seventh House"

This actually doesn't come out for a while yet, but an Englishman-working/living-in-Sweden friend of mine got an advance copy and send me a MD copy. So far it's quite excellent...but then since when have IQ not been good?

I woke up early this morning with a pretty awful hangover-related headache. So I took two ibuprofen and went back to sleep. I finally got out of bed about half an hour before noon. I hardly ever sleep that late but I guess I needed it. I spent the afternoon writing Christmas cards and watching "The Shawshank Redemption", which is one of my favorite movies. I just got back from my sister's a little while ago. She wanted to burn some CDs of her MP3s, so I brought over Hinge's portable burner and we got that taken care of.

This afternoon the rain changed over to left a dusting on the grass and on cars. Now that it's dark the sky's sort of cleared, so it's a breathtakingly gorgeous cold and clean winter's night out. There's a three-quarter moon out, and its light is combining with the city lights to make the big puffy clouds in the sky have this rather unearthly glow. Cool.

TNT is having an '80s movie weekend and "The Breakfast Club" is on in about half an hour. Despite the fact that it'll be edited and censored beyond belief, I'm going to watch anyway because it's a good movie. Though if I'm going for something Brat Pack-related, it's gotta be "St. Elmo's Fire" for me. Maybe that'll be on later...hmmm. So it's TV movies and more Christmas card writing on my Saturday night. Do I know how to live or what?

then / now