in the city

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12-4-00 // 12.32 am

brouhaha, balderdash, ballyhoo

NP: King Crimson - "Discipline"

I got a message from Robyn this evening, she said she went home this weekend and had to say goodbye to Adam. She said she cried all day...I feel awful for her, I wish I was there to comfort her. I was going to give her a call but then I realized that her apartment's phone is all messed up & I keep forgetting to get her cell phone number. In any case, I'll see her in person again pretty soon.

I have a calculus exam in the morning. I studied and did practice problems all afternoon & evening. The professor said this exam would be fairly simple and straightforward, but who knows what that actually means. I just want this exam, this class, and this semester to be over. Just ten more days.

Now I must get some sleep. Unfortunately, it'll be Monday when I wake up.

then / now