in the city

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12-2-01 // 12.53 am

the fearful fall foul of fate as often as the reckless

NP: Marillion - "Zodiac"

I was going to finish my program today, but instead I did everything but. I slept in, made a mix tape for a friend, went for a very long walk, got out my digicam & took a ton of pictures of various stuff in my neighborhood, and went to the indie record shop a few blocks from my apartment. I really do love that's like the kind of place I want to own someday. It's not very big, and you can tell that it's just the owner working 10-6 every day...but it has its niche. Cheaper used CDs than anywhere else in town, a good selection of new stuff, and a great wall full of vinyl. I just love the place...every time I go there I get the feeling like the shop is some secret only I know about. There's never anyone else shopping there, but somehow it stays in business. Oh, and today while I was paying for my purchases, a vagrant-type guy was trying to sell the clerk a gold pocketwatch. All that just can't get that at some shitty mall Camelot or Tower.

George Harrison died the other day. Since then, I've dug out a bunch of his records...tons of stuff I haven't listened to for ages. Not because it's bad, on the contrary he was always a very fine songwriter. He just tended to get lost in the post-Beatle solo shuffle. Though "All Things Must Pass" is in my opinion probably the best solo album any of the four ever made. In any case, RIP George. I always admired him for living the quiet, dignified, private life he wanted to live. So sad that it was cut short.

I've had a bit of a head cold the past couple of days, which is really tiring me out. So I'm off to bed.

then / now