in the city

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12-4-01 // 11.00 pm

these mist covered mountains

NP: Dire Straits - "Brothers in Arms"

Had class this morning, then my "exit interview" with the head of the computer science department. Then I had to work in the afternoon. I came back to the apartment to eat dinner, then headed off to the lab to do yet more work on my infuriating Data Structures lab. Two and a half hours later, I'd made some progress but some minor things were still eluding me. Ugh...I just want to get this finished. Once this is done all I have to worry about are exams. I say that like it's a walk in the park...well, some of it won't be too bad but some of it will require copious amounts of studying. I just can't wait to graduate. I know I'm sounding like a broken record with that, but anyway. About eight days from now I'm done with academics. This is going to be the slowest week ever.

So I'm extremely stressed out at the moment. Having to live with my roommate, him just ambling about with no job, no school to worry about isn't helping. Neither is the was nearly 70 degrees out today. In December. Weird, unseasonably warm weather irritates me & throws me out of whack. At least I have been getting adequate amounts of sleep lately. I'm sure without that, I'd be on the verge of a nervous breakdown right about now.

I had more to write about tonight but now I can't remember any of it. Oh well.

Party here on Saturday. If I can just make it that long...

then / now