in the city

latest / older / g-book / profile / d-land

12-7-04 // 11.35 pm

chicken in a brisket

This has to be quick since the laptop's battery is perilously close to running out of juice.

Worked an 11 hour day today, which was actually less than yesterday but still a ton. Got another large chunk of work done -- pretty much 99% of everything, really. There's one more issue to mess around with in the morning, but it shouldn't be a big deal. So hopefully today was the last of the insanity for this project.

Got home, met up with Erin and then went over to Liz's. She and Andy cooked a Hannukah dinner, which was very, very tasty. I had a few beers and talked with everyone -- it was tons of fun, despite the fact that I was totally wiped out, even at like 9 o'clock in the evening. Liz has a cool apartment, I hadn't been over there yet. I say Erin and I should move to Dogtown eventually, it's an awesome neighborhood.

My battery life grows short & I can barely keep my eyes open, so it's time for me to turn in.

then / now