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12-8-00 // 9.11 pm

bruce dickinson fan club meeting: moved to Room 453

NP: Iron Maiden - "Brave New World"

The last song on this album is, at this very moment, making me play air guitar like a man possessed.

Right now I feel like I've stepped on by a thousand elephants. All in a row. It's only about nine at night and yet I feel so tired, like I want to lay my head down on this desk and just fall right asleep. But on the plus side, I am now done with my week-before-finals coursework. Every last agonizing paper, program & presentation -- finished. Tomorrow I have to do the take-home portion of my biology final, but it won't take too long. So I basically get a sort-of day off on Saturday, and then Sunday I have to study for Monday's finals. All I know is that I plan on sleeping incredibly late tomorrow morning.

I'm drinking a can of Cherry Coke at the moment, this is a great soda. I really liked the old can this stuff came in. It reminded me a lot of the cover of the Pet Shop Boys' album "Very", only colored violet & red instead of blue & orange. The current can is pretty neat, too.

A little while ago Hinge went over to S.P.'s, he told me to call him there "if anything goes on tonight". What do I look like, his secretary? Not that there are any plans for things to go on tonight, but still. He'll stay over there and he'll like it.

This afternoon I found out that I will not in fact be working for the multinational aerospace corporation over winter break. While I would have loved to make all that money, I won't mind working at the grocery store instead, it's a nice break from having to think all of the time. Hopefully in addition my dad can get me some work loading trucks at his place of employment, that'd be a good way to make some extra cash.

The idiot frat boys who live in the flat below mine are playing their music at a ridiculously loud volume again. I wish they'd just vanish off the face of the earth -- the only thing about this apartment I dislike is the fact that the nosiest fuckers on the face of the earth live directly below. They seem to have adjusted their stereo so that the treble is only at about 1/4 capacity, and the bass seems to be overdriven about eight times. It's like having one of those CDs that test car stereos playing right below where I'm peacefully trying to sit & type on the computer. Ah, only six more days and I'll be treated to a whole month of not having to deal with their bass-thudding, white-boy rap listening, huge-billed-hat wearing, loud, dopey voice using antics.

I'd like to get out of the flat for a while, but I don't know where to go. I might head out for a walk, even though I already took one this afternoon. Maybe I'll head down to the river...hmmm.

Alright, I'm outta here.

then / now