in the city

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12-10-02 // 2.06 pm

between the poles and the equator don't send no private investigator

NP: mix CD.

Pending rubber-stamp style aproval from my manager, I will be taking the Thursday and Friday after Christmas off. Five day weekend? Rock on. I mean, really, nothing sucks more than having just Christmas day off, because it's usually so busy, and by the end of the day you wish you had more time off. So yes, I will be chilling out post-Christmas style.

Had a meeting this morning, which has sort of energized me. Well, I'm still tired and dying for a nap, but now my day has direction, I have a clear goal for the work day. And it's a manageable goal, too, not one of those "please fix every item on this ten page list by the end of today" deals, either.

Finished shopping for Erin's Christmas presents last night. Which is a good thing, I'm all about getting things done before the last minute, if at all possible. Though of course, the presents are still stashed away in the trunk of my car. I'm going to need her to leave the house for a while at some point soon so I can get my wrap on. I think tonight we write Christmas cards. There's always so much to take care of this time of the year. But I think we're making very good progress, so it's not that big of a deal.

My stomach is happy and full of salad type stuff. Not to mention the pepperoncini. Is that a weird snack? I absolutely love those things. I used to keep a jar in my little dorm fridge when I was in college. I often have a jar in the fridge in the apartment.

I have stupid pet peeves. Chronic lateness makes me grumble. People who don't follow rules of capitalization (especially people who don't capitalize "I" in referring to themselves). Not knowing the correct methods of pluralization/possession (you add -s to pluralize, you add -'s to indicate possession) annoys the hell out of me. People who try to take 30 items into the 20 items or less lane at the grocery store, and then proceed to (a) pay with a check or with a credit card that keeps getting declined, (b) use 300 coupons, and (c) buy something bizarre that either won't scan or requires a price check, thus bringing about the need to call for some other employee to go dig around for the price. Sometimes it's a combination of all three of those. And of course, there's me, standing behind this person with a six pack of beer, a magazine for Erin, and a bag of cat food, just wanting to get the hell out of there. Hmm...all of that complaining has made me feel like listening to some good, ranty stand up comedy, maybe George Carlin or Denis Leary.

So sick of being at work today. I mean, getting up and going to work is never top on anyone's priority (at least I don't think so), but today. I just want to go home. Sitting here is annoying me, watching that damn red "message" light blinking on my phone is annoying me, being inside, under fluorescent lights is annoying me. I'd love to be outside, taking a long walk or something. But no.

Ugh. Feeling a bit better, now. I still want to get the hell out of here, but I'm not really annoyed anymore. I am thirsty, however, so I'm outta here.

then / now