in the city

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12-10-00 // 12.45 pm

pi in the sky

I really shouldn't write in this thing after I come home from a night of consuming alcohol, for last night I wrote some things which are just patently untrue. The party was really great, and I had a wonderful time, that's true. I did, in fact, drink a lot of lager. And Sara truly was there, and we did talk to each other, and she did touch me and flirt with me. But I still can't help feeling that I have lost my evening of playing nice doesn't make up for the fact that she's been flat-out ignoring me for three months. Now maybe things will start getting back to how they used to be, but I'm not holding my breath. One night of low-cut sweaters, curling up on the arm of the chair I'm sitting on, and looks into my eyes ain't gonna change nothin'.

Today I have to study for my Java exam, which is tomorrow. That means I should probably get out of these sweatpants, take a shower, and get moving.

then / now