in the city

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12-13-02 // 2.55 pm

we would both be millionaires or kings or presidents

NP: Toad the Wet Sprocket - "Fear"

Stayed home from work yesterday after discovering that the brakes on Erin's car were more or less shot. So we took the car to the mechanic, and spent the rest of the day shopping and hanging out. Went to Denny's, too, which was cool. In the evening, we met Erin's grandma and aunt for the weekly bingo night their church hosts. Had a pretty good time...the food was great (nobody makes a better fish sandwich than the Catholic church), and it was something different to do for a change. But I was extremely tired, the thing went on for like four hours, and the fact that 90% of everyone in attendance was smoking didn't do any favors to my allergies. But yeah, bingo. It's a creepy subculture. It's not that I've never been exposed to bingo -- I went to a Catholic grade school through 5th grade, and my grandfather called bingo at his church for years and years. But it had been a while since I experienced it firsthand. It's so easy to distinguish the casual players from the hardcore ones. The casual players were mostly sitting there with one sheet of cards, maybe drinking a soda or eating a snack, talking with friends, etc. The hardcore folks are the ones with 5+ sheets of cards, a half-dozen ink daubers, lucky charms/totems (optional), not speaking a word to anyone, and looking vaguely annoyed/pained when other people make noise. Anyway, I came rather close to winning a $450 game, but ended up not.

Woke up this morning feeling like a new man after 8 hours sleep. Drove to work through cold rain turning into wet snow. Had a very busy first half of the working day, finishing up scripts and mining for data. Went to the post office on my lunch break, waited in line for approximately forever. Though I did buy a cool sheet of stamps with bats on. Gonna use them for our Christmas cards...Christmas bats. Yeah, I know...Erin already groaned. But hey, the alternatives weren't any better: it was either the standard American flags or "Christmas in the 1950s". Ick.

Just remembered that today is Friday the 13th. Strange, as I'm mostly having a very good day.

Apologies for the bland, overly narrative nature of this post. But for some reason, it's the only way words are coming out today. Which is weird, as I'm in a good mood and I really wanted to write a big, funny, interesting entry. Hrm.

I'm currently in the process of doing up my "top 10 albums of the year" list. It's a long-standing tradition/ritual for members of the music geek species (of which I am definitely a member). Soon it will be the time to bask in the radiant glow of dozens of top 10 lists, comparing, bickering and debating. It's fantastic. Really. You'll have to take my word for it.

Out of here in a couple of hours. Then it's home to snuggle up next to Erin, make a pizza, watch Iron Chef, and hide out from the rain. Absolutely no obligations this weekend, either, which means some very welcome relaxation is just around the corner.

then / now