in the city

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12-11-01 // 10.40 am


I'm sitting here in the library lab, getting ready to do a bit of studying before I have to go to work.

Just prior to this, I stopped by my professor's office...he still doesn't have his portions of the data structures labs graded. And this is seriously like three months after we handed them in. You know how professors often take off points if you turn in an assignment late? I say that if they're late in grading/handing back a paper/lab/whatever, you should get extra points. I just hate this double standard. We can't keep them waiting, but they can make us wait forever. Seriously, there are labs from like two or three semesters ago that I never got back.

If you hate your job, either quit it and find a new one, or suck it up and quit yer bitching. Seriously now. Whoever started the myth that work is supposed to be fun needs a good beating.

Do girls actually still like guys who have normal, properly cut and styled hair? All I read & see these days is how "messy" and "sloppy" hair is supposed to be all the rage and so sexy or whatever. So what girls, is looking like a vagrant and/or someone with no personal hygeine skills the new thing? I hope not, as that's just one more strike against me. I brush my hair every morning.

I really need to eat something. I'm thinking of going over to the student union for a bite...but I'd also like to get a bit of studying in. I guess there's time for both, if I'm quick.

then / now