in the city

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12-15-02 // 11.20 pm

the concrete broke your fall

NP: mp3 playlists that I'm prepping for mix CD status.

I'm all about mixes lately, I'm not sure why.

Sitting here at the PC in the study, drinking a cup of tea (Earl Grey with sugar and milk, word), and admiring the shimmery lights of the fiberoptic mini-Christmas tree that sits on the desk to my right.

Had a good weekend. Great weekend, actually. One of those where I wish I could just hit rewind and be back at quitting time Friday evening.

Christmas is only like ten days away. Though 95% of the shopping is done, the decorations are up, and yesterday we took all of the Christmas cards & packages to the post office and got 'em on their way.

Talked to Ryan S a few times this weekend. We were going to try to meet up, but it didn't quite work out, what with working and all the holiday things going on. But we made plans to hang out the day after Christmas (we both have the day off), and he said he and his girlfriend are going to come to our New Year's party, which rocks.

Saw this thing driving around today near Forest Park, it was an SUV limousine. Seriously, it was an Expedition or whatever, but like three times the normal length, with tons of doors, etc. How sad is that?

Driving home from Walgreen's this afternoon, Erin and I saw a massive dark cloud rising on the horizon. After some debate, we decided that it couldn't be a cloud and had to be smoke. So what did we do? We drove around to find the source. About 20 or 30 minutes later, we arrived in north city, at a junkyard/tire yard/scrap car lot. Sure enough, there was a fire, and enough fire trucks and police for several fires. Brilliant., yeah. I don't have a lot to say, otherwise, but I felt like writing a bit tonight. Back to work in the morning...sadly. Maybe if I try really hard to reverse time with my mind, I can actually do it.

then / now