in the city

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12-20-01 // 10.40 am

there is a girl in new york city who calls herself the human trampoline

NP: Paul Simon - "Graceland"

Yesterday was full of me doing things I didn't want to do. My father woke me up with a phone call asking me to look up some vacation information for him online. He's pretty computer illiterate so I said OK -- there's no way he'd find what he was looking for otherwise. Later in the day, I had a dentist appointment. Not that big a deal, I endured years of orthodontic work so a simple dentist appointment is fine. But this time it just seemed to drag on forever. The hygenist poked and scraped around for the longest time. Had to run Christmas shopping related errands after that. Though I only got halfway done. The movie theater was closed when I stopped by, so I have to try again today. Evening time now, and I have to go with my family to a studio for a family portrait. Well, it was me and my immediate family with me in my graduation cap & gown. Then later it was the entire extended family...grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. It was pure psychic torture. I love candid snapshots but I abhor posing for photographs like that. It was bad enough I had to stand for about two rolls of photos at the reception after the commencement ceremony. It also didn't help that the photograhper was a bit of a jerk. I thought it was funny when my teenaged cousin yelled at him.

Just got off the phone with the human resources lady from work. Finally getting all the loose ends tied up regarding me going back to work in February.

Going to see "Lord of the Rings" tonight. I hope it's as good as the trailers make it out to be.

Last night we played Magic -- and it was brilliant. It's good to see a few people back at it, I never wanted to stop playing. Now I just need to work on getting back some of the really great cards that were in that awesome deck I had that was stolen a few years ago. I think a trip to the Gathering Ground is in order before I leave for my UK tour.

My fingers are cold. So now I'm off to make a pot of coffee.

then / now