in the city

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12-26-00 // 3.51 pm

"aerosmith is in my breakfast nook!"

NP: Savatage - "Dead Winter Dead"

Happy Boxing Day. I had a pretty nice Christmas, all in all. I hope your holiday was good, too.

It's snowing again. This on top of what's been there for about two weeks already must make at least a foot and a half. It's lovely to look at, but after a while it just gets to be such a pain. It's hard to drive through, it dirties up everything, it gets all over shoes and clothing. I enjoy snow, but enough is enough. The bitter cold is annoying, too. This weather wreaks havoc on my skin -- I have terrible skin to begin with, but in the winter it's even worse. I hate getting chapped lips and cold sores. Ugh.

I just got off the phone with Robyn. Really good catching her in & getting to talk for a bit. She said we should get together tonight, so I'm gonna meet her at Denny's later on. Should definitely be a nice time.

I guess I'm going to get moving now and walk a bit on that treadmill my parents keep in the basement. This weather's been keeping me from my regular exercise routine, which drives me crazy. I've eaten way too much over the last week or so, I need to get moving, I feel so sluggish and bloated. But if you can't stuff yourself with crap and get all fat & happy over the holidays, when can you?

then / now