in the city

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12-27-00 // 7.11 pm

north country girl

NP: Pete Townshend - "All the Best Cowboys Have Chinese Eyes"

In the words of Hans Moleman, "oh no, my brains". I put in a 12 hour day at work -- got up at 5am, went in at 6 o'clock, and worked until around 5.30 or 6 in the evening. So I'm tired as hell, but I took a shower when I got home so I feel a bit better. I'm drinking a pint as I sit here and write this, which tastes absolutely brilliant.

I had a rather restless sleep last night. I kept drifting in and out of consciousness for about an hour and a half, which was annoying because I had to get up extremely early. Hopefully tonight I sleep more soundly, since I have to be up early for work again tomorrow. At least I get to sleep 'til 6am this time.

So I met Robyn up at Denny's last night. It's always great to see that glint of cheer & happiness in her eyes upon meeting up after a period apart. We sat there and talked for a couple of hours, joked around, talked about the future, just a little bit of everything. Oh wow, it was so good to see her... We're supposed to get together on Saturday and take the metro over to U City, which should be a really good time.

OK, time to go find some dinner and relax for a bit. Later.

then / now