in the city

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2-29-04 + not pushing you down and all around
2-28-04 + in the crap bits of watford they say 'fifty you hot!'
2-26-04 + "yes, crisitunity!"
2-25-04 + "hop skip and jump; wait for the bump"
2-24-04 + so many storms not right somehow
2-21-04 + "ah liz phair, ah liz phair in love..."
2-16-04 + spiderman is having you for dinner tonight
2-15-04 + scientists have found that the sun is a huge atom-smashing machine
2-13-04 + opportunity knocks once then the door slams shut
2-11-04 + now the ice has had its way
2-7-04 + it was the magna carta in this part of town
2-5-04 + begs the moon to disappear
2-4-04 + lose yourself when you linger long
2-3-04 + dressed as black as a crow in a coal mine
2-1-04 + honk!

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